The benefits of a Unit Title Subdivision

Unit Title Subdivision Benefits

Unit titles are becoming a more desirable and effective use of land for infill developments. A unit title development gives you a much higher density of dwellings on a site than a traditional infill or terraced house development and are typically, but not exclusively, used for multi-level developments like apartments.

What is a unit title Subdivision?

A unit title subdivision divides buildings and land into multiple titles, typically on developments such as apartments, industrial or commercial property.  The building is divided in principal units, associated accessory units and common property. Each owner of a principal unit and associated accessory unit share in the common property which is administered by a body corporate.

Why do a unit title subdivision?

If your development includes multiple units in a single building, particularly on different floors, e.g. apartments, then unit title subdivision is the only practicable form of subdivision for you.

Alternatively, if your development has shared amenities like driveways, swimming pools etc which require on-going maintenance, you may wish to consider unit title as the body corporate will be tasked with looking after day to day maintenance & setting aside funds for long-term replacement or refurbishment.

The Benefits Of A Unit Tile Subdivision

How to apply for a unit title subdivision?

As with any form of subdivision a unit title development will require a resource consent application to Council. This can either be done in two steps by applying for land use and building consents to enable construction of the building to commence and then applying for the subdivision consent once the construction process is underway. This is especially relevant on larger construction projects where changes may occur. Otherwise a combined land use and subdivision consent can be applied for at the beginning of the project.

Thornley &Amp; Associates Surveying

We offer a wide range of surveying services at a reasonable cost; whether you’re planning an extension for your house or obtaining Unit Titles for your completed commercial building, you almost always need the expertise of a surveyor.

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