Subdivision Process
The process of completing a subdivision development from start to finish takes many months, sometimes years. As Auckland cadastral surveyors with over 50 years of experience, our commitment to our clients is that we will work to ensure there are no undue holdups relating to the surveying required for your subdivision.

Subdivision Feasibility and Resource Consent
Both the subdivision and the activities associated with it – such as building, earthworks and vegetation clearance – may require a Resource Consent from Council. Unitary plan identifies whether subdivision is a permitted activity or whether there may be conditions attached to it.
Our first step when conducting a land survey is to undertake a full feasibility study. This includes:
- Preparation of preliminary designs.
- Feasibility study and budgeting based on preliminary designs.
- Topographical survey and scheme plan production.
- Preparation of the Resource Consent and submission to Council.
- Council processing and approval of Resource Consent.
Granting of Resource Consents in New Zealand is not automatic. A Resource Consent may be approved, approved but with conditions, or turned down. As experienced Auckland surveyors, we know the pitfalls and prepare your subdivision Resource Consent ensuring it has the best chance of approval.
When subdividing in Auckland, Resource Consent can take six months or more to gain Council approval.
Engineering Plan Approval and Building Consent
Conditions of your resource consent may require engineering plan approval (EPA) relating to the engineering work to service your subdivision.The EPA gives permission to commence civil engineering work relating to infrastructure, that will fall under the control and responsibility of Council once it is completed.
The preparing an EPA must be carried out by a Registered professional land surveyor or certified Engineer who has experience in land development and infrastructure. The surveyors at Thornley and Associates are qualified to do this.
We can also apply for a Building Consent for any private drainage. This gives approval for specific drainage work on the subdivision development and ensures the planned work meets all Council building requirements.
Engineering Consent and Building Consent for a subdivision can take up to two months to gain Council approval.

Once EPA’s granted the completion of the construction work within a subdivision development is handled by your chosen contractors. As your land surveyor, we will ensure all work is in the correct place to ensure no complications with the final subdivision sign-off and certification.
The construction phase includes all earthworks, such as drainage, roading and utility installation.
When subdividing in Auckland, the time taken on the Construction phase is very much dependent on your contractors. We will ensure, however, that there a no unnecessary holdups as a result of the subdivision surveying.
Land Transfer Survey
Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) stores all property records for land throughout New Zealand. This record contains precise information about the features and boundaries of a piece of land. The records of property location and related information, such as the boundary dimensions, are together called the ‘cadastre’ and are shown in cadastral survey plans.
As cadastral surveyors, we are able to prepare all necessary Land Transfer Survey Plans for submission to Council and lodging with LINZ. This involves:
- Placing new boundary pegs and preparing title plans.
- Applying for and Obtaining Section 223 Certification from Council.
- Obtaining LINZ as approval to survey.
The field surveying work required and the preparation of new Land Transfer Survey plans usually takes about six weeks.

On completion of all physical works, an application must be made to Council for Section 224(c) Certification that all resource consent conditions have been complied with to their satisfaction.
Once this is done, final Survey Plans can be submitted to LINZ for approval and, once approved along with your legal documentation, new titles will be issued.